Friday, April 10, 2009


There comes a day in the development of any new life habit that challenges the resolve, and today is that day.  For some reason, it has been a long week.  The day care experiences, combined with everyday job stress, combined with gray weather and snow events, combined with teaching 90 minutes of grammar this afternoon, combined with my returning to Weight Watchers have made me want to do nothing but drink wine, eat cookies, and watch trashy television.  It was probably too much to take on a second new life habit at the less-than-halfway point of the first, but I had a moment Monday when Weight Watchers just felt right again, and I had to go with it.  So I want to consume empty calories and skip the blog, but I'm doing neither.  I'm not writing anything meaningful for you this evening, but I'm meeting the challenge and getting the job done.  Some days, just getting the job done is all we can hope to accomplish.

So I've done it.  High five to me.

Just to put a little closure on this week's seemingly endless preschool thread, Duncan is happy as a clam.  He loves preschool.  They had an Easter egg hunt yesterday, he ate all his lunch, and he was a pretty good listener.  He had a few potty accidents but nothing out of the ordinary. His school was closed today, and we had to work so Paul came to babysit.  They had a fantastic time, and both were more than a little sad when Paul had to leave.  Duncan even took a nap for Paul!  It was a nice ending to the week.  

I owe you something a little better tomorrow.  One C+ day is excusable; two C+ days is the beginning of a life habit of mediocrity!

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