Tuesday, May 12, 2009


About half a mile down the road from us is a farm. For as long as I have known, it has been some sort of bovine operation; I don't dare wonder exactly what was being done to the cows and choose to think they were merely bred for the purposes of breeding more cows. Ignorance is bliss. In the last couple of weeks, however, we've discovered the cows have been replaced by sheep; even more exciting, it is a fertile breeding ground for sheep. Jamie said "I think those people just went out and bought a whole lot of pregnant sheep." It is a likely hypothesis. Anyway, they were grazing down by the road on Saturday when we went for a walk, and they were a lot of fun to watch and listen to (they sound vaguely similar to the sea lions of Pier 39). I am certain there are even more sheep today than there were Saturday because there were some pretty big mamas in the bunch. There are brown fuzzy sheep, black sheep with white spots that look like Holsteins, sheep with umbilical cords, sheep climbing on their mamas...a veritable panoply of sheep.

I apologize in advance for my poor panning skills and hope my video doesn't make you motion sick! Hopefully, Duncan's narration will make up for it!

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