Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Duncan, LOOK!"

Words I do not want to hear from my front porch:  "Duncan, LOOK!  Did you see that big snake? It went right down that hole!"  (Points to mysterious space between the front step and the house)

It has been an exciting day in the country. This morning, Jamie and Duncan found a live mouse in the glove compartment of Jamie's car. It had made its way through the iPod cord and was working on a purse pack of Kleenex. They scared him, and he ran away. He has probably since been eaten by a garter snake that lives between the foundation and the step.  I'm not sure how I feel about that idea; happy to have someone eating the mice but not so happy to have a snake entertaining at my house.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I am not a fan of snakes. That's all I have to say.