Sunday, July 27, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Friday, we had a nice visit from Matt and Courtney who found time in their whirlwind travel tour to spend the afternoon with us in Amenia.  Matt and Courtney have become serious travelers. Among the places they visited this summer were Kentucky, Miami, Key West, and the Bahamas. It's easy to be envious of their freedom and their adventures, and I found myself wishing I got out more.  Nevertheless, they have been away for over a month with still a week to go and swear they'll never go away for so long again.  I was reminded that life is what you make it; it's all about perspective.  Jamie and I are adventuring day travelers who also take the opportunity to grow basil and play in the sand with our son.  It's a good  life.  We caught up, shared our crazy boarding school experiences, and shared news of former Kildonan colleagues. They talk about wanting to move back to the Hudson Valley so if you know of some good education jobs, interesting houses, or well priced pieces of property, let me know so I can lure them back here!  They are talented educators and good friends, and I'd love to be able see them more often.  Safe travels, Matt and Courtney.  I hope you'll be in your own house soon enough and have plenty of time to lay low before school begins again.  Thanks again for coming!

P.S.  Matt and Courtney are also talented writers who are writing much better "stuff" than I am this summer so visit their blogs to get a taste of their travels.

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