Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Duncan asked me to knit him a new scarf to go with his new coat. I know the days of my son requesting knitted goods are numbered so I tackled it enthusiastically (well, up until the very end).  We made a special trip to the yarn store, where he picked out red and black Polar Fleece, and one week later, voila.

Last year, one of my New Year's resolutions was to "make more stuff." I didn't do as well with that resolution as I would have liked, but I did okay. I did manage to knit scarves for each of Duncan's 4 teachers, and I knitted a hat for Duncan. I knitted a belated scarf for one of my former students.  I knitted coasters that I forgot about until I unearthed them from my project bag. I also started a number of things I didn't finish (hush...), including one sock (I did finish the sock - I just didn't finish its mate), and worked on a large project that isn't yet finished (hush...). I will try again this year; all I can do is try. As soon as my size 13, 14" circular needles come in, I'm all ready to try a cowl.

In the meantime, we have this cozy scarf that a little boy showed off proudly to his teacher, and for the boy, the scarf, the pride, and the appreciative teacher, I am truly thankful.

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