Wednesday, April 15, 2009


In case you were concerned about the cleanliness and psychological well being of my child...he got into the tub voluntarily tonight and actually asked for some extra water (the bowl was moving around - you just don't want to know)...and he is well adjusted enough to be naughty at preschool.  Today he wandered away from his group during activities, ended up in the office once, escaped to the playground once, and lost some playground time.  Mock me if you may, but I will not be surprised if this child has ADD.  Yes, I know you are all saying "he's just being 3." I hope you are right.  Food for thought.

It is day 7 of preschool and day 7 of full time diapers.

It is day 15 of the 21 day blog project; you may get a break in a week.

It is day 9 of Weight Watchers.

It is day 7 of Amish friendship bread.  It's probably better that you not ask questions unless you actually want some Amish friendship bread starter because on Saturday I'll have some to give away.  

I feel like I am juggling with all these items up in the air, but if feels good.  It feels productive, and I feel like I am making meaningful changes in my life.  Except, of course, for this Amish friendship bread...which feels like a chain letter of goo.  I have been told it will all be worth it in the end...I'll let you know.

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