Thursday, March 18, 2010

Duncan's Hat (Still Making Stuff)

Duncan asked me to knit him a hat "with stripes." One day after school we went together to the yarn store, where he picked out three colors of Polar Fleece yarn.  He watched with keen interest as the hat grew each day, and two mornings ago he awoke to find his new hat at the breakfast table. "I love you Mama for knitting this hat for me," he gushed. I sent him off to school in his new hat. When I picked him up, Miss Anne said "Duncan LOVES that hat. He wore it all day. He wore it at lunch. He wore it during his nap." I was touched; I didn't really start the project looking for that kind of response. I just wanted to knit the kid a hat, since I'm working so hard to knit things for other people. I was more than touched; I was thrilled.

And then I looked at Duncan, who was wearing a paper bowl, painted green, upside down on his 
head - his leprechaun hat. I grabbed the Polar Fleece and his lunch box out of his cubby and drove the leprechaun home.

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