Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Duncan to Large Body of Water - Check

My niece Anna came for her first solo visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We thought it would be fun to take the kids to Lake Taghkanic State Park for the day.  (I did dread learning how to spell it, but here it is).  Once we staked out the perfect picnic spot and the perfect beachfront real estate, we set about the business of building sand castles, burying people's feet, and paddling in the water.  In the morning, both kids were nervous about going in the water and more than a little nervous about the fish.  That Anna was not allowed to wear her floats and Duncan needs a while to adjust to new things made the morning a little slow going.  After a solid lunch, and Duncan's need to be just like the 7 year old boy who kept running down the beach and into the water, Anna and Duncan finally ventured into the water.  They played ring a round the rosie, and Duncan reveled in sitting in the wet sand.  He turned into a daredevil who kept venturing beyond his depth.  It was difficult to corral them back in the car to go home after such a lovely day, but we all returned home with that sweet exhaustion that comes only from a day spent in the outdoors.  

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