Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bathtub Van Gogh

About two or three times a year, I develop a fascination with the brain that lasts about 24 hours. As I suspected, I do not have it in me to write about the brain.  I may still have a flicker of interest left by the weekend; we'll see.  

In the meantime, here is one of Duncan's bathtub masterpieces.  It is titled "Baby Circles," because, obviously, "baby" is the opposite of "beeg," which we know as "big."  

Here's another interesting thing about Duncan.  I know that he is developing imaginative play, but yesterday he blew us away.  Jamie took him to school to fly a kite.  Duncan quickly lost interest and turned instead to collecting rocks, which he called "money," and then deposited into holes in the lampost that he called the "bank."  Once or twice he has dropped change into his piggy bank, but it's not an everyday activity so the pretend money in the pretend bank seemed pretty remarkable to us.  Two is an incredible age!

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