Friday, March 28, 2008

Be It Ever So Humble

We all survived our longest separation yet (two nights). I had pangs as we drove away from Poughkeepsie, leaving Duncan in the capable hands of his grandparents. There was a tiny hole in my heart where I could sample what it would feel like not to have him; I didn't dwell there longer than necessary. I think that all Jamie and I did for two days was sleep and eat (I didn't even knit so there was NO progress on the sage green mystery garment); it was strange not to be tired. I realized that I use tiredness as an excuse for virtually everything, and when it is removed from the equation, I have to think a little bit harder about my motivations. Contrary to my hopeful longings, it did NOT feel like Bermuda when we returned. It is rainy and gloomy, but the spring bulbs are definitely working theirway up toward the unseen sun.

Duncan was an angel for Grandpa and Grandma Martin, but he was excited to see us on Wednesday. That is a hug I will carry with me for a long time...until it is replaced by another so memorable. What's interesting is that Duncan spent the next 24 - 48 hours testing the limits of his parents - as if he wanted to see if the rules had changed in our absence, or if we had been replaced by pod people. I think all is back to normal now. We are being protected by the Little People Professional and Volunteer Fire Brigade today.


Anonymous said...

Sleep! Ah yes, I remember it fondly. I'm glad that you and Jamie had a good get away and that Duncan did well for the grandparents. Don't you just love a good inn? Roger and I went to an incredible inn up in New Hampshire that served the most amazing breakfast. It also had a huge tub. So nice.

Unknown said...

It's hard to go away. I knew deep down that it was good for us, but I love my kid. He's great to spend time with. The sleep was worth it though. We keep going back to this same inn because we love it so much. No big tub on this trip, but the last time we went during March, they upgraded us to a room with a whirlpool bath. I'm itching to write about this picture I took with Merrells from everyone in the house all lined up, but I just can't quite sit down to write...