Sunday, September 21, 2008

This is It

Well, this is not's not the piece I've been writing; however, it IS the last home game at The House That Ruth Built. Tonight, we say good-bye, amidst legends, fan fare, abundant camera flash, and Jorge, poignantly snapping pictures of the plaques in Monument Park. Derek Jeter has officially hit more runs in Yankee Stadium than any other Yankee in history. Bernie returned home to say good-bye. Yogi saw his last Yankee game in this park tonight. David Cone looks younger, if that's possible. David Wells looks good. Jorge threw the first pitch to Babe Ruth's daughter. Bob Sheppard, who is too ill to attend the game, pre-corded the introduction for Derek Jeter. Andy Pettite started. Who doesn't love Andy?

Some of you are saying "It's just a ball park." Well, you can feel that way; you're entitled. If you are not a Yankee fan, there is no way that you can appreciate this moment in history, and Yankee history may be more significant than that of any other baseball team. If that doesn't mean anything to you, than I have to tell you this.

I never meant to watch baseball. I never meant to care. Then I met a Yankee fan, from a long line of Yankee fans. I started watching baseball in the spring of 1996, when the Yankees had just begun their return to eminence. It was an exciting season to be a part of baseball as the Yankees won their first World Series in many years. I learned to watch baseball, and like it. I made my first trip to Yankee Stadium in 2000. I forged a relationship that included baseball. I watched the World Series with my then ex-boyfriend and current husband. When your apartment building burned, and we moved in with John and Kathy for a month, we watched the World Series while we got our life back in order. My commitment to the Yankees made it into my wedding vows. Several family members and friends got married in several Octobers, and we frantically checked post-season scores while enjoying the nuptials. In the fall of 2005, we bought a tiny little Yankee outfit for the tiny baby I carried inside me. We sat those pinstripes in front of the TV for luck during that post-season (though it didn't really bring any). I blearily pretended to watch baseball while nursing an infant and reluctantly (sort of) gave up baseball for a time because I was (am) just too tired to pay attention. We took that little boy to Yankee Stadium, where he exclaimed "WOW! Yankees." He watches a game on TV and asks "Derek Jeter, Daddy?" Often, when we leave the house, Duncan says "I need my Yankee hat."

Now, do you understand? Just indulge me. Good-bye Yankee Stadium; thanks for being there.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Promises, Promises

Okay, I'm writing something; really, I am, but you have to wait another day (or several). What's continues to fascinate me is that when I'm NOT writing, I feel like something is missing from my life. It's like being far away from a close friend. We're all back at school now, and it's a little tough. It's not the WORK that's tough. We're both pretty happy at work at the moment. It's not really sending Duncan back to daycare that's tough. He's so happy that he spent the first week back asking us DAILY if he could go to school tomorrow. The schedule is not even really too tough; we get up at the same time, vacation or not. We eat our meals at the same time. We all go to bed at the same times. No, what is wholly unpleasant is the return of the school-related chores...the daily ironing, setting out of clothes, lunch making, and child delivering. Ick. So there's my little back-to-school mini-rant, and I hope it sustains you until I publish something real.

Ahh! But you know what cures the "I hate my chores" blues...a good dose of John and Kate Plus Eight! there a ubiquitous picture of Duncan I can throw in here to keep the people happy?

How about a shout-out to Ben, right back at you, Kiddo.

Friday, September 12, 2008

An Apple a Day

Every year, we go apple picking. Every year, we wait too long. Last year, there were only a few kinds of apples left by the time we got to the orchard. Although we had a great time with John, Kathy, Brian, and Karen, and it was about 90 degrees even though it was near the end of October, we came out with slim pickings. This year, we decided to go early to make sure we got our pick of some of our favorite apples, including galas. We got our galas, but that was about it, for this year, we went to the orchard too early. Only galas and early macs were ready to pick. We enjoyed picking those meager three rows; we were in and out in about half an hour with about 20 pounds of apples. We'll take Duncan again later, in mid-October, when the leaves have changed, the air has chilled, and the pumpkins have oranged. In the meantime, we'll enjoy a lot of apples, and, hopefully, my first homemade apple sauce.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Lorna!

We spent Labor Day weekend in Albany saying good-bye to our eventful summer and wishing a happy birthday to Lorna. Is it possible that my baby sister is 37? Great cake, good fun, hanging out with Nana and Poppy...we're ready for fall.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Cat in the Hat Came Back

Jay came for dinner and a visit before he left for college. He stayed to witness both dinner and the bedtime routine; after two years of listening to me explain why I have no free time, am always tired, and don't ever get to watch TV, he finally understood why I am utterly exhausted by 8:00 pm. Two years of tutoring give back. Bless his heart: he gave us a huge break by reading one of Duncan's bedtime books that night. See the crazed look in Duncan's eyes? For some reason, Jay makes him insane; when Jay and Duncan are in the same room, Duncan thinks anything either of them does is hysterically funny. We hope Jay will come back to visit soon; oral reading is optional.

Southwick Zoo

Giant Bugs

Saturday, September 6, 2008


A trip to John and Melissa's is always full of good food and clean fun, and our last trip was no exception. Duncan had a great time playing on Anna's swing set, sharing her books, and wearing her purple head band (don't ask don't tell). His idolatry of John was one of the highlights of our trip. "John do it." "Walk with John now." Jamie and I felt ubiquitous, but we've grown accustomed to Duncan's periodic dismissal of us. We took a trip to Garden in the Woods, which is currently hosting a sculpture exhibit of giant bugs - gorgeous giant bugs manufactured from wood. We also had a great time at the Southwick Zoo, where we saw a veritable menagerie of things we didn't see at the Bronx Zoo, including giraffes, a baby kangaroo with a human foster mother, and baby tigers. Anna and Duncan took their first pony rides and enjoyed the car ride. Daredevil Anna was disappointed not to be able to go on some of the bigger rides, but I wouldn't let Duncan into anything that left the ground. I was too afraid he'd become scared, and we'd have to stop the ride. We were sad to say good-bye to Hopedale, but it was time to get home to think about going back to school. Duncan asks frequently when he can see Anna again; we look forward to the next time we get to hook up with John, Melissa and Anna!